Out of the Abyss
Lately I've done a lot of thinking about where I am in life and about my most precious commodity; time. There's just never enough of it. Before I know it my night's are gone and the weeks are slipping by and suddenly it's been a year and a half of not finishing a freakin book that only needed a cover and a final edit. It's disappointing to myself and to the few people that care. I've gotten to wrapped up into sports, traveling, dining out, going to musicals, and going to the bars that even working on things that need done around my condo get a backseat. "I'll fix that so-n-so once I clean this place" and then cleaning takes so long that I don't get around to it and when I finally get back to it the place needs cleaned again. I finally realized that I'm taking on too much and I need more ME time.

That being said, this fall through spring have been a very rocky time where I felt very on-my-own for all the things that need taken care of. There were rocky times where it felt like everything I had built up over the years was going to come crashing down; almost like I was juggling way too many balls and they were about to fall and I had no one to help me hold them all.
But I am pleased to say that things are finally starting to feel like they're back to normal and I've finally started cutting out the unnecessary things in life that were holding me back. Over the last couple months I've reread my first book and I'm more than halfway through the final edit of the second. I've also been coming up with some concept art for the second cover and fingers crossed have someone that's willing to have blood thrown on them and pictures taken. I'm cutting out time here and there to work on this, not because I need to, but because it brings me great joy. And I have so many ideas for future books that I'm tired of holding them off because I haven't finished this one.
Anyway, please bare with me. More is coming soon. I PROMISE!