Sequel in the works

Only a few people know this but the sequel is already written but it's stuck in some heavy editing and has been for a while. I'm slowly but surely making progress and since already having published one, I have a better idea now of all that goes into doing another.
That being said, I'm in the 4th edit, which sounds like it's far along, but I keep having thoughts that it's not as good as it should be and keep going back and changing little things. Which, if you've read the first one you'll understand that there are a lot of congruences to keep straight. If everything were straight forward, it would be easier but so much less fun. :)
When working on the first one I found it was easier to keep a calendar of days as there are lots of references to a count down of events or how long ago things happened. I'm still working on that for the sequel and finding it's not as easy. And the weather is giving me problems as well. Randomly, I keep thinking that I reference the same weather event twice but I can never find my second mention of it. So either I'm reading the same part over and over again and losing my mind or it's somewhere out there.
I've also been working on concept art for the next cover. It's proving more difficult than the first but today I finally had a good brain storming session and found 3 ideas for covers that I really like. Going to work on sketching them out soon but a couple of them I know can't be done until I have warmer weather. Sadly, at the rate I'm going with this, it won't be spring until I get this done anyway but maybe things will like up quicker than that for me, it was 60 degrees today in Chicago afterall.