Below you will find my published book along with one of my unpublished works. I'd long to hear what you think either through the contact me page or by leaving reviews on iBooks or Amazon.

Of Humanity Lost
ISBN 978-1-329-70232-5
Benjamin Darrow is about to do something horrific even though it may cost him everything. Caught in a secret war that has raged for thousands of years between the creatures of the night and those that hunt them, Ben has little choice than to take drastic action raising an army of his own to destroy the two regimes and end the war. With three new companions helping him along the way, his dark plan is set into motion, but even they begin to realize they know very little about who their new leader is or his true intentions. While risking their lives to bring down the two regimes, Ben is split between the present and memories of the past, including an interminable friendship and the love of his life, that shaped him into the person he is today: one whose plan will change the world in more ways than his companions thought possible.
Of Humanity Lost is a dark thriller filled with twists and turns as each chapter brings together the past and present that will keep the reader guessing what will happen next.

The Contract
ISBN Not Available
This is an unpublished work that I did for fun back in college. It is simply a short story that I enjoyed writing and hope that you all like it too.
Cover Art will likely be changed in the future as well.

Of Finding Humanity (Preview)
ISBN Not Available
For those of you that read Of Humanity Lost, first of all, thank you so much for your support and I hope you greatly enjoyed it. Many of you know that I've been hard at work making the sequel, but of course life is busy and gets in the way. It requires a great deal of work to put this out in book form and even though it's written and editing is close to being done, it will be a while before the finished product is available. In the meantime here's a little sample to get you excited for the sequal.
(Cover art and possibly title to be changed as well)
Warning: If you have not read Of Humanity Lost, this contains major spoilers. Please do not read if you have not read the first one.