Sorry for the delay

My sincere apologies for the delay in adding any updates. This summer was not supposed to be this insane but alas, I feel like this year has been a roller coaster ride. I don't know whether I should keep this blog non-personal or not but I have no idea if anyone other than people who know me personally read this or not, so here goes. My partner and I started off the summer getting into looking for a wedding venue and then decided we should look at condos before leaving on vacation. We had no idea that we would find something on the 2nd day of looking. So it was a mad dash doing all the paperwork and inspections and negotiations within a week before leaving for Berlin and Paris. Both were a ton of fun. After which I returned (my partner is staying over there for a month) and got back to wedding venues, home owner paperwork, and all the stuff that comes with moving. It's been a daze and I feel like I haven't even had time for the gym let alone time to do any writing. But it is summer so my free time would've been spent at the beach or an outdoor bar over writing in a coffee house anyway.
So an update on the sequel... Ugh! I noticed a review on Of Humanity Lost that was very negative. I'd like to sit and depict what the reviewer said but I'll hold my breath. While I looked at her reviews for other books and noticed she had the same negative critiques for everything she's ever read and some things she found fault in because she clearly didn't understand that which was obvious, she did say a couple things that were true. It wasn't stuff I wasn't aware of, but at the same time I feel like if I want to be a better writer I need to improve. So, I'm still without having finished my last review of the sequel. Sorry. And I've had zero time to setup a photo shoot for the cover, plus the issue of finding someone who looks like the main character. That's been a headache in itself. So clearly I am behind and you probably shouldn't expect anything until fall.
HOWEVER, I know it sucks to wait that long even though it would've been longer had I not written the sequel before releasing the first, but I do have a surprise coming soon. I don't have any dates yet on the announcement but I hope to let it out in the next couple weeks. So please stay posted and I hope you all have an enjoyable summer.