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It’s been weighing heavily on me that I need to keep updating my blog posts. I have not seen any evidence that anyone has read these but in the off chance you have and you are curious as to when the next installment is coming, I’m hoping with the advance of fall that I will find myself with more time to get back to work.

The reason for my absence is something called ‘Summer in Chicago.’ As I’m sure most people are aware, the winters can be a little rough so when summer comes around we make the most of it. In the middle of all that I took a trip to Berlin and Paris and unexpectantly found myself suddenly buying a condo. It happened so quickly and ever since then I’ve found myself spending every free moment working on the new place; repairs, painting, unpacking, etc. After two months I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

That being said, I’ve been going back to Of Humanity Lost to give it another read through so pull myself back into the story before I begin my last review of the follow-up, yet to be named. Which also means that I keep putting off working on the cover art, the title, and everything else that goes on behind the scenes. I’m hoping by going back and reading my first novel that it motivates me to move forward with the next. Colder weather and spending more time indoors should also help.

That being said, I made a promise that I had something else I’d worked on. If you didn’t notice on the front page or the Facebook post, Of Humanity Lost is now available in paperback!!! I’ve heard from a lot of people that they did not want to read something electronic and would rather have something in their hands. Sadly, there’s nothing I can do about the price without losing money but I did want to make it available. And when the next installment comes out I plan on launching it in both formats now that I’ve figured out how to get all this done. It really has been a learning curve but I’m so happy to have the first cover sitting on my table to look at and I hope you will too.

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